
Admission and Discharge of Children

Hastings H. Hart
Paperback or Ebook
12 pages
May, 1916

This monograph is a volume of the Round Table Plan, a series by the Russell Sage Foundation to assist boards of trustees of institutions caring for dependent children in their administrative duties. Published in 1916, it details the proper protocols in admitting and discharging children from an institution, decisions that will affect the entire future development of children involved. The importance of admission policy concerns making sure that the resources of a foundation are not wasted upon those who do not need them or who might be better off somewhere else. Proper placing-out and supervision of the discharge process is discussed. The book also describes the legal and moral responsibilities that face an institution when caring for children who are its wards.

HASTINGS H. HART was director of the Department of Child-Helping at the Russell Sage Foundation.


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