Chilling Effects and Participation in Safety Net Programs Among Children of Non-Citizens: Evidence from New York State Administrative Data
This grant is co-funded with the Carnegie Corporation.
Citizen children to low-income, non-citizen parents are legally entitled to social safety net programs that promote the healthy development and wellbeing of children, such as the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Yet, these children have lower participation rates than comparable children of citizens. Economist Tara Watson will investigate the effects of the election of Donald Trump and the Trump Administration’s announcement of a new public charge rule on safety net participation of low-income citizen children. She will analyze data from New York State Office of Transitional and Disability Assistance, data from the Transaction Records Access Clearinghouse on immigrant arrests, data from the American Community Survey, and data from the Department of Labor for her study.