Reporting Requirements

All project reports and articles should be uploaded to the foundation’s reporting portal. The narrative and financial reports (outlined below) that are associated with an RSF award must be submitted in a timely manner as specified in the award; otherwise, award payments may be delayed any RSF awards for which the Principal Investigator is responsible.

If you would like to request a modification to your award, such as a no-cost extension or budget reallocation, please contact

Financial Reports

RSF requires annual financial reports from the fiscal agent. The financial reports must show actual expenditures against the approved budget categories and the balance on the award (budget minus expenditures). Please report against the approved RSF budget spreadsheet provided with your grant agreement. 

Narrative Reports

RSF requires annual narrative reports from the principal investigator(s). RSF also requires copies of any articles or manuscripts, etc. that have resulted from research project awards. Please upload all publications to the reporting portal ( or send them to Note that per your award letter, you are required to acknowledge the support of the Russell Sage Foundation on any printed, on-line, and visual materials that result from this award.


RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal of original empirical research articles by both established and emerging scholars.


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