Announcing Mentors for the RSF-Gates Foundation 2024 Pipeline Grants Winners
The Russell Sage Foundation is pleased to announce the selection of 15 mentors who will advise the early career scholars whose projects were selected as part of the fourth annual Pipeline Grants Competition, funded in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Throughout the academic year, mentors will help guide grantees’ research projects and offer career advice. Mentees will present and receive feedback on their research findings and network with peers and senior scholars, including mentors and advisory committee members, at an annual conference at the foundation’s offices in New York. The foundation will underwrite visits by mentees to their mentors’ institutions and arrange informal meetings for grantees and mentors at professional conferences such as ASA or APPAM.
Read about the recipients of this year’s Pipeline Grants.
The mentors’ faculty profiles are available below.
Amada Armenta (sociology), University of California, Los Angeles, will mentor Akiv Dawson (sociology), Georgia Southern University, Miltonette Craig (criminology), Sam Houston State University, and Marie Jipguep-Akhtar (criminology), Howard University, on their project, “Crimmigration, Policing, and Black Immigrant Integration in the U.S. South.”
Ingrid Gould Ellen (public policy), New York University, will mentor Mark Chin (education), Vanderbilt University, and Tasminda Kaur Dhaliwal (education), Michigan State University, on their project, “Creating a Nuisance? Housing Nuisance Ordinances and their Impacts on Student Outcomes.”
Ansley Erickson (history), Columbia University, will mentor Rachel Williams (education), University of Wisconsin, Madison, on her project, “Charter Schools in the Southern City: Black Education, Political Power, and Spatial Possibilities.”
Daniel Hopkins (political science), University of Pennsylvania, will mentor Bryant Moy (political science), New York University, on his project, “Can Awareness of Historical Injustice Increase Support for Reparations? The Case of Housing Covenants.”
Amy Hsin (sociology), Queens College, City University of New York, will mentor Phoebe Ho (sociology), University of North Texas, on her project, “Renewing the American Dream: The Children of Immigrants in Higher Education.”
Royel Johnson (education), University of Southern California, will mentor Terril Taylor (psychology), University of Maryland, College Park, on his project, “Black Men’s Vocational Journeys: Overcoming Racism and Justice Involvement.”
Michael Kraus (psychology), Northwestern University, will mentor Gandalf Nicolas (psychology), Rutgers University, New Brunswick, on his project, “(Mis)Perceptions of American Economic Inequality at the Intersection of Race and Gender.”
Trevon Logan (economics), Ohio State University, will mentor Claire Duquennois (economics), University of Pittsburgh, and Jiangnan Zeng (economics), University of Guelph, on their project, “Racial Bias and Societal Outcomes: Can Minority Media Representation Help?”
Trevon Logan (economics), Ohio State University, will also mentor Linnea Evans (public health), University of Massachusetts, Amherst, on her project, “Time Will Tell: Exploring the Relationship Between Structural Racism and Out Time.”
Matthew Notowidigdo (economics), University of Chicago, will mentor Marion Aouad (economics), University of California, Irvine, on her project, “Health Shocks and Households’ Financial Well-being.”
Matthew Notowidigdo (economics), University of Chicago, will also mentor Cici McNamara (economics), Georgia Institute of Technology, on her project, “The Effect of Medicaid on Recidivism and Employment after Release from Prison.”
Mary Pattillo (sociology), Northwestern University, will mentor Miguel Montalva Barba (sociology), University of Massachusetts, Boston, on his project, “Witnessing the Emplacement of Whiteness: Gentrification through the Perspective of Latine and African Americans.”
Natasha Quadlin (sociology), University of California, Los Angeles, will mentor Marissa Thompson (education), Columbia University, on her project, “What is Fair? Disentangling Public Conceptions of Merit and Equity in the Age of Inequality.”
Bryan Sykes (sociology/demography), Cornell University, will mentor Yunmei (Iris) Lu (sociology), University at Buffalo, State University of New York, on her project, “When the Lottery of Birth is Racialized: Neighborhood Context, Life Course Experiences, and Age-Crime Trajectories of Black and White, Cohorts Coming of Age between 1976 and 2019.”
Katherine Tate (political science), Brown University, will mentor Chelsea Peterson-Salahuddin (communications), University of Michigan, on her project, “From Information to Participation: Understanding the Connection Between Black Women’s Political Information Seeking Habits, Socioeconomic Status, and Political Participation.”
Mary Waters (sociology), Harvard University, will mentor Deisy Del Real (sociology), University of Southern California, on her project, “The Socioeconomic Incorporation and Well-being of Venezuelan Migrants Across the Americas.”
Eric Zwick (economics), University of Chicago, will mentor Rachel Atkins (public policy), St. John’s University, on her project, “Homeownership, Home Equity, and Black-owned Business Starts: Examining the Impact of Racial Disparities in Housing Assets on Firm Creation.”
More information about the Pipeline Grants Competition is available here.