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Academic Women on the Move
Encyclopedic in scope, Academic Women on the Move is an important volume on a vital topic. In twenty-one chapters specially written for this book by distinguished women, the authors summarize the vast research literature on women in higher education. They bring together and compare hundreds of studies on the problems and status of academic women, from their entry as students through their career development and eventual status as researchers, faculty members, and administrators. In addition the book gives an equally detailed account of the emergence of political activism among these women in the 1968–1972 period, with analytic chapters on the legal, internal, and external routes to rid academe of sex discrimination. A wide-ranging exploration of recent professional and political efforts to improve the status of women in American academic life, this book will serve as a superb research and reference work for years to come.
Contributors: Carol Ahlum, Helen S. Astin, Alan Bayer, Ann Calderwood, Jean Campbell, Constance M. Carroll, Marianne A. Ferber, Jo Freeman, Patricia Albjerg Graham, Judith Dozier Hackman, Florence Howe, Joan Huber, Katherine M. Klotzburger, Janet Lever, Jane Loeb, Laura Morlock, Katherine Nelson, Michelle Patterson, Cynthia Sterling Pincus, Brigitte A. Prusoff, Lora Hnizda Robinson, Pamela Roby, Alice S. Rossi, Margaret Rumbarger, Bernice Sandler, Pepper Schwartz, Lucy W. Sells, Myrna M. Weissman, Lenore J. Weitzman
Alice S. Rossi was professor of sociology and chairperson of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Goucher College.
Ann Calderwood was publisher and editor of Feminist Studies.