Summer Institutes
RSF offers intensive, multi-day summer institutes on various topics for doctoral students and early-career scholars. Most participant costs during the institute, including housing and most meals, are covered, and travel expenses are reimbursed up to a set cap. Participants are required to fully attend all sessions of the program and some institutes require participants to complete some assignments in advance.
Current summer institutes: Behavioral Economics
Behavioral Economics (BE)
Next BE Summer Institute: June 29 - July 9, 2024, at Endicott House, Dedham, MA
Application deadline: March 29, 2024
The ten-day Summer Institute in Behavioral Economics, led by David Laibson and Matthew Rabin (Harvard University), introduces graduate students and beginning faculty to the findings and methods of behavioral economics—the application of psychological theory and research to economics. The program includes topics on psychological foundations such as decision-making under risk and uncertainty, intertemporal choice, biases in judgment, mental accounting, and social preferences, as well as the implications of these foundations for savings behavior, labor markets, development economics, finance, public policy, and other economic topics.
- Submit an Application
- Overview, Eligibility and Application Requirements
- Previous summer institute information, including programs and lecture slides
- Past Summer Institutes in Behavioral Economics