A Special Message from RSF President Sheldon Danziger on the Foundation's Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
To RSF Grantees and Collaborators:
We share your concerns about the COVID-19 virus and want to let you know how the Russell Sage Foundation will continue to support social science research during this national emergency. To safeguard the health of our staff, visiting scholars, and visiting journalists, we have cancelled all events and in-person meetings for the foreseeable future. We are following recommendations issued by the New York City Department of Health and other agencies and have transitioned to working remotely until we are notified that it is safe to return to normal operations.
We understand that meeting cancellations, group size limits, restrictions on in-person interviews and experiments, and institutional travel restrictions will prevent some grantees from completing agreed-upon grant activities as they were originally envisioned. Grantees should be reassured that we understand that some of their projects will not proceed as planned under current conditions. RSF will not penalize any grantees for having to delay or modify grant completion due to disruptions caused by COVID-19. If you anticipate major disruptions or delays to your RSF-funded project or delays in submitting interim or final reports, please contact your program officer or the grants management team (grantsmgt@rsage.org). Our grants portal at https://rsf.fluxx.io/ is functioning normally.
For special funding guidelines for the May 21 deadline for letters of inquiry, please click here.
Sheldon Danziger,
President, on behalf of all RSF staff.