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Aging and Society, Volume 2
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Interprets the research findings on aging for professionals concerned with the prevention and treatment of problems associated with aging. Each chapter, written by an expert, deals with the field within the broad context of aging in contemporary society.
MATILDA WHITE RILEY and MARILYN E. JOHNSON, Department of Sociology, Rutgers University.
JOHN W. RILEY, JR. is vice president and director of Social Research for the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States.
CONTRIBUTORS: Faye G. Abdellah, Reubin Andres, Walter M. Beattie Jr., Merton C. Bernstein, Glenn H. Beyer, Herman B. Brotman, Esther Lucille Brown, W. Phillips Davison, Lowell Eklund, Ellen Fahy, Robert L. Geddes, Andrew M. Greeley, James M. Gustafson, Phillip E. Hammond, Huson Jackson, Marilyn E. Johnson, Juanita M. Kreps, Louis Lasaga, Frances Cook Macgregor, John Madge, Geneva Mathiasen, Ernest E. McMahon, Walter J. McNamara, Robert Morris, Charles E. Odell, Margery T. Overholser, Arthur J. Patek Jr., Ollie A. Randall, Max Rheinstein, John W. Riley Jr., Matilda White Riley, Sverre Roang, George Rosen, Doris R. Schwartz, Alvin L. Schorr, Wilbur Schramm, Harold L. Sheppard, DeWitt Stetten Jr., Mervyn Susser, Manfred H. Vogel, Thurman White, and Frederick D. Zeman