
Philanthropic Giving

F. Emerson Andrews
Paperback or Ebook
6.00 x9.00 in.
328 pages
December, 1950

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This book presents an informing picture of giving in the United States. It glances briefly at the history of philanthropy, including its growth in government services, but its emphasis is on recent changes and special opportunities for today. It offers estimates of giving, as to amounts, sources, and benefiting agencies. It includes a discussion of legal and tax aspects of philanthropy.

F. EMERSON ANDREWS was a staff member of Russell Sage Foundation since 1928, a consultant on publications to the Twentieth Century Fund since 1940, and served as a consultant to a number of other organizations in the welfare field. This book grew out of the requests of many donors for advice and help, which came to him as co-author of American Foundations for Social Welfare.



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